Alcohol Services in Brighton & Hove

Community Alcohol Team

Offers specialist treatment for people with alcohol problems, including dependence.  Visit the team at a “drop in”; you will need to complete a self-assessment

Change Grow Live - Adult Drug & Alcohol Service in Brighton & Hove

Phone: 0800 014 9819

Drop in to:
Richmond House, Richmond Road, Brighton, BN2 3RL
10am-5pm Mon-Fri (open until 7pm on Thurs)
10am-1pm Sat

01273 731900 

9 The Drive, Hove, BN3 3JE

10am-12pm & 1pm-3pm Mon, Wed & Fri

01273 680 714

Alternatively, please book in to see one of nursing team for brief intervention if you are worried about your drinking.  Please download an alcohol questionnaire and bring it along to your appointment. If you are not sure if you are drinking too much, please feel free to complete a questionnaire and let us have it  and we will contact you if you require further treatment.