Practice News
Trans Can Sport - The Clare Project
Trans Can Sport Ambassadors Liz (she/they) and Tigger (he/him) will be attending @clareprojectbrighton drop-in group Tuesday 8 April 2025 at 2.30pm - 5pm. The drop-in group is for trans, non-binary, intersex, gender-variant and questioning people to connect with each other, chat and receive support. Liz and Tigger will be there to talk about Trans Can Sport, our upcoming activities and any questions you may have.
Practice News Letter - December 24
Please see our new quarterly news letter
COMING SOON - Update to Online Access
We have been working behind the scenes to improve online access at the Practice. The way our online requests look will be changing in the near future. You will no longer see the e-Consult logo, but you will be able to contact us via SystmConnect "Online Requests". This will increase availability for you to contact us for both administrative and clinical requests.
New Prescription Line
We have now introduced a "prescription line" when you contact us by phone. If you have a query related to your prescriptions, please call us on 01273 523 623 and select option 2. This will be available from 10:00 - 17:00 every day. This may be subject to change if there is any staff sickness, in which case, please stay on the line and wait to speak to a member of the reception team.
COVID Vaccination Walk In Centre's in Brighton
There are several walk in centre's for COVID vaccinations across the city. Information for these locations can be seen below:
Over 18's:
Asda Marina - Every Saturday from the 19th October to 14th December - 9am 3pm. You can get bus 1 or 7 to the Marina Bus Stop
Wellsbourne Health Centre Car Park - 170 Whitehawk Road from the 25th October or 15th November - 9am-12pm. You can get bus number 1 or 21 to the Community Hub Bus Stop
The Bevy, 50 Hillside - 25th October or 15th November - 1pm - 4pm. You can get bus number 49 from the Bevy Pub Stop
St George's Hall, 140 Newick Road, BN1 9JG - 30th October or 13th November - 9am-12pm. You can get bus 24 or 25 ro Ringer Road bus stop
Asda Hollingbury Car Park - Every Sunday from 20th October to the 15th December 9am-3pm. You can get buses 5B, 24, or 52 to Asda Crowhurst Road
Children's (Parents/carers will be sent a text to book an appointment)
Hangleton Family HUb BN3 8BW - 21st October - 9am-12pm
Whitehawk Family Hub BN2 5FL - 30th November - 9am - 12pm
New GP's at Park Crescent
We are pleased to let you know that Park Crescent will shortly have an additional two GPs joining our team.
Dr Rosie Ford and Dr Jessie Drake will be joining the existing clinical team this month both working 2 days a week. We aware of the pressures on the service over the last few years and in particular the challenges that patients have found booking an appointment with one of our GPs. We are confident of the positive impact this will have on our appointment capacity and would like to thank our patients for their continued support during a challenging time in the health service.
Happy Pride Weekend
Help the NHS by using the right service for your needs this Brighton & Hove Pride
The NHS in Sussex is calling on those planning to attend Brighton & Hove Pride weekend, to use the right service for their health needs, and to keep emergency services free for those who need them the most.
Brighton & Hove Pride is taking place this week – Saturday, 3 and Sunday, 4 August – and is the UK’s biggest Pride event.
Website Audit
NHS Sussex have performed an audit on our website using the NHSE Benchmarking Tool and they have confirmed we have scored a 95% compliance rating.
The Benchmarking Tool has been developed to support integrated care systems (ICSs), primary care networks (PCNs) and general practice teams audit the usability of key patient web journeys. The tool provides a deeper understanding as to whether a GP website meets a high standard of usability along with contractual requirements laid out in the GS contracts and other requirements of practices.
If you have any feedback for our website please contact us using our feedback form
Free/Low Cost Mindful Movement Classes
Mindfulness means bringing your attention to whatever you are doing. So moving mindfully means being fully aware of your movements, and staying present in the moment. Yoga, tai chi, Pilates, qigong etc. are all considered mindful movement practices.
Why bother? Mindful movement has many health benefits including: lowering blood pressure, reducing pain, a calmer mind and better sleep.
Am I flexible enough?Mindful movement is for everyone. Experienced teachers will make sure you are able to access the classes whatever your abilities.
Where can I try it? Contact the Brighton Natural Health Foundation and we will try to put you in contact with a free/ low cost local teacher suitable for your needs. Scan the QR code to the left to access free online class recordings, check out the BNHF website (Brighton Natural Health Foundation), or email on
Try this simple mindful movement practice
-Find somewhere quiet to sit and make yourself comfortable.
-Breathe in slowly through your nose (if possible) and out slowly through your mouth.
-As you inhale, start to raise your arms slowly with the breath.
-As you exhale, float your arms back down. Try to let the movement follow the breath.
-Every time your mind wanders, bring it back to the movement and your breath.
-Try this simple mindful movement practice
-Start off small, just 3-5 movements each day.
See if you notice any benefits. Be kind to yourself. It takes practice!
Advice for Adults with Pancreatic Exocrine Insufficiency
Please review this document due to nationwide shortage of enzyme based medications such as CREON
There have been accidental overdose and deaths of people across the country from Heroin and other drugs that have been mixed with Nitazenes.
Nitazenes are made in labs and mimic the effects of natural opioids such as heroin, they are often 100’s of times stronger than heroin and at least as potent as fentanyl.
Nitazenes have been found in heroin but also in other drugs such as benzos.
Your drugs may look the same even if they are contaminated.
We can provide you with testing strips to see if Nitazenes are present. Alternatively, you can use the testing service available at Wedinos
For more information on testing strips or to get advice and support, Change Grow Live (CGL), STAR East Sussex can be contacted on 0300 30 38 160. You can also contact CGL through our website
Free Tai Chi
Free Tai Chi Classes 2-3pm Tuesdays at St Martin's Church Hall (Wagner Hall, 37 Lewes Road, BN2 3HQ)
See more about what the PCN offer by clicking here
Health Counts Survey
Take part in the Health Counts Survey. It's anonymous and takes 15mins. If you would like to know more about this survery please see this document
Sew Much Better
Bring in your clothes to fix or start a new project with the Sew Much Better Class! Held on Mondays 10:00-11:00, Phoenix Art Space 10-14 Waterloo Place, BN2 9NB
Calm Crafts
There are now free creative sessions being held at Phoenix Art Space 10-14 Waterloo Place, Brighton BN2 9NB. Every Monday 11:30-12:30pm.
Sessions are a mindful 1 hour drop in workshop where you can spend time making collages, using clay, painting, doodling and more. Including a different calm craft every Monday.
New Weight Management Hub
The Weight Management Hub is a single referral point for all weight management referrals.
You will be booked in for an appointment with a member of the team, who will then take you through your different options eg Thrive Tribe Programme, NHS digital weight management etc). You choose the service right for you and the team will make the referral.
You can self refer today:
Email on:
Call on: 07456 902 679
DadPad - The essential guide for new dads in Brighton and Hove
DadPad - The essential guide for new dads in Brighton and Hove, set up by Brighton and Hove Safeguarding Children's Partnership- Available as a hard copy as the DadPad, Quick Read DadPad or app format.
You can also follow DadPad on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube.
See more on their website
LGBTQ+ Domestic Abuse Support Group
LGBTQ+ domestic abuse support group weekly drop in has changed it hours to Wednesday 4-6pm
Arcobaleno, Kemptown BN2 1EA
Contact to find out more
Fitz Cafe
is now open in the Fitzherbert Community Hub each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10:30 – 14:30
The Real Junk Food Project Brighton serves a healthy and nutritious surplus/rescued food lunch from 12:00 – 14:00
-Get advice on accessing NHS Services Online
-Get involved in the Community Garden on the green on Upper Bedford Street
-Compost your food scraps in the Community Box Scheme
-Pay as you feel table tennis sessions on cafe days
In the past couple of weeks, the number of overdoses has been unusually high (with some deaths) among people who use drugs, primarily heroin, across parts of the country.
Testing of some batches of heroin has shown that they had been adulterated with an extremely dangerous synthetic opiate called Nitazene. Nitazenes may be hundreds of times more potent than heroin and can be at least as potent as fentanyl. Nitazenes have also been found in drugs sold as oxycodone pills and alprazolam (Xanax) powder.
Staying safe and helping others
The only way to avoid all the risks is to not take drugs which are not prescribed for you. However, if you do choose to take them, remember:
•Go low and slow - Be extra cautiousabout the sources from which you getyour drugs, and about the drugs you aretaking; maybe starting with just a quarterhit of a new supply.
•Do not use alone; make sure thatsomeone you trust is present andequipped with a couple of naloxone kits
•If using with others, it’s best if only oneperson uses the drug first and uses less asa test dose
•Don't mix drugs: Using more than one drug increases your risks of overdose, including mixing with alcohol and other depressant drugs such as diazepam and pregabalin
•Look after your friends: watch others carefully for the signs of an overdose, e.g. unable to wake up, difficulty breathing, blurred vision, weakness or slurred speech
•Make sure you have enough naloxone available: more doses of naloxone may be needed to recover from a synthetic opiate overdose.
•If you have oxycodone pills or Xanax powder that you don't take, make sure to get rid of them safely e.g. at a pharmacy or an amnesty bin (not down a toilet or in a rubbish bin).
If you don’t have a naloxone kit, or yours has expired, please contact us
ADHD Aware Pack
This is a new partnership between the East and Central Brighton Primary Care Network
and ADHD Aware. Our Primary Care Network (PCN) covers 9 GP practices looking after 75,000 patients in the city.
You can read this ADHD-Aware-Welcome-Pack.pdf to find out more about what they are offering
We are very aware of the long waits for an ADHD assessment and the lack of support pre and post diagnosis. We support people to use the Right to Choose pathway where appropriate, but are aware of some concerns recently regarding the holistic quality of the assessments and focus on medication rather than psychosocial support.
We are excited to work with ADHD Aware to investigate new ways of supporting people and are commissioning peer support and educational sessions for our patients as part of this project.
We provide monthly peer support groups, both in person and online, for ADHD adults, their partners and for parents of ADHD children or young adults. You don’t need an official diagnosis to use our services. Many people who attend our groups are wondering whether they have ADHD, and want to meet others like them, to learn more about it.
Free Mindful Movement Outdoors Sessions
The PCN are offering a mindful movement session every Tuesday at East Brighton Park in front of the cafe. Sessions include Qi Gong with a qualififed physiotherapist from 12-1pm and a drop in chat with a local GP from 1-2pm.
The short term plan for these sessions is to tackle loneliness, get people moving mindfully. improve breath (to help calm the nervous system which in turn improves your health) and the long term plan is to increase the numbers in each surgeries patient participant group (PPG) and form a self sustaining community group directly linked with improving mental and physical illness.
If you are interested please either text on 07361 476 900 or email
Mindfulness Classes
The PCN Team is running a free drop in mindfulness class on the 3rd floor of the Brighthelm Centre, North Road, Brighton BN1 1YD. This is open to anyone and is lift accessible. Sessions run on Monday afternoons between 3-4:30pm.
Happy Pride Month
As part of LGBTQ+ history month we have been sharing Pride Guides, which are quick guides to health issues we know can be more prevalent or more difficult to access support for those in the LGBTQ+ community. Please see the links below;
Switchboard is an excellent charity available to help and support the LGBTQI+ community. Please see their website for more details and information.
Breath Work and Yoga Workshops
Drop in breath work and yoga Wednesdays 3:15-4pm and 4pm-5pm
Humankind Studio - 35A St George's Road Kemptown BN2 1ED
Please email or text 07361476900 if you are interested
Free Exercise Sessions
East & Central Brighton NHS PCN are holding free exercise sessions
Tai Chi Tuesdays 2-3pm Drop in - Suitable for alll
Circuits (beginner’s level Circuit Training Class that focuses on cardiovascular fitness and resistance training) Tuesday 3-4 pm
Yoga Sessions
Drop in Yoga Sessions on Fridays 2pm-3pm
Unit 4, 20-26 Round Hill Street, BN2 3RG
For enquiries:
Text only: 07361 476 900
B&H COVID-19 Information
The NHS should contact you if you're eligible for a seasonal booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine this spring.
You may be offered a seasonal booster if you:
- are aged 75 or over (you need to have turned 75 on or before 30 June 2023)
- live in a care home for older adults
- are aged 5 or over and have a weakened immune system
To book: call 119 or go to
Help to get a COVID-19 vaccine
Talk to one of the vaccine team about any concerns you have including: which vaccine you need, where to go, how to book, help with transport or any worries you have about needles, getting an injection, leaving the house or side effects. Please call 0300 303 8060 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm) or email
For further information visit: Covid-19 vaccinations - Sussex Health and Care (
For information in multiple languages, look at the SIS Covid webpage