Patient Participation Group

What is a Patient Group/Patient Participation Group?

PPG's are run locally by volunteer patients and Practice Managers and help strengthen the relationship between Practices and their patients. PPG's contribute ideas, feedback and suggestions directly to their Practices and members can also be involved in wider work throughout the city.

Why is it important?

The group ensures that the patient voice is heard. In this way, the surgery is able to get viewpoints and feedback from a wide group of patients of all ages and ethnicities. The more diverse the group, the better the discussions.

Will I be able to discuss my individual problems?

It is not that type of forum. The group is there so that bigger issues can be discussed and so you can have your say and your opinions heard.

Will my doctor see this information?

This information is used purely to contact patients to ask them questions about the Practice, to ask how well we are doing and make sure that the changes that may be made are patient focused. If your doctor is responsible for any changes in the PRactce, he needs to see feedback from patients.

Will the questions you ask me be medical or personal?

When the group meet we work to an agreed agenda that does not involve discussing any medical or personal information; it is your opinions and enthusiasm for health care in Brighton that is important to us.

Will anyone be able to access my contact details?

Your details will only be used by the Practice Manager for froup related communication.

How often will you contact me?

Not very often, much will depend on what is going on in the surgery throughout the year that the group needs to be aware of. some communication will only be via email or post. We will also look to meet a minimum of 4 times a year.

Sign Up

If you would like to be involved please complete the details and we will be in touch. Don't forget this is an opportunity to have a say about your own surgery and healthcare in your area. If you have any questions or would like more information please contact the surgery's Practice Management Team

Terms of Reference

Our aim is to strengthen the relationship between Park Crescent Health Centre and its patients. The group is here to assist the practice in continuing to improve its provisions of healthcare, whilst ensuring that the viewpoint, opinion and expectations of his patients, are at the heart of our decision making.

Our objectives include:

  • To represent patient views and improve communication between patients and the Practice
  • To act as a critical friend to the Practice
  • To provide a link between the practice and the local community in our catchment area
  • To develop projects with the agreement of the practice that support wellbeing and health promotion
  • To inform patients and carers of patients of the meetings and activities of the PPG (PPG minutes will be available to patients via the website, the role of the PPG will be advertised on the Practice Website and within the surgery, patients are free to join and engage with the PPG at a level they are happy with)
  • The PPG can raise funds for the sole purpose of furthering at the objectivites and aims of the group, as defined by these terms of referene. The PPG wwill record all income and expenditure and operate within the law and due care and diligence when managing funds and resources


Reporting Lines:

  • Representatives from this PPG will link with the Citywide PPG network and report back to other members of the group at subsequent meetings
  • We will produce a short annual report of our achievements
  • Minutes wil be made available through the practice websites and copies emailed to interested parties
  • The PPG will assist the Practice if appropriate when reporting to the Clinical Commisioning Group (CCG) and NHS England
  • Where possible the surgery will provide a direct link member of staff for the PPG to report in to.
  • The Chair of the PPG is currently the Practice Manager



  • To be open to all staff, patients and carers of patients



  • Meetings will be held at Park Crescent Health Centre
  • These will be meetings attended by patients, carers of patients and staff to the practice
  • The group may wish to invite other organisations, health professionals and community representatives. Who and when people are invitied will be agreed within the group
  • Whenever possible at least one GP will attend
  • Meetings will be minuted and a lear record kept of attendance and decisions
  • Decisions will be arrived at by consensus and task allocation will be clearly minuted and agreed
  • New members to the group will be welcomed and have access to these terms of reference, previous minutes and reports. The ground rules and expectations will also be explained to new members
  • Some PPG members may wish to be part of the group but not attend meetings. Their feedback will be equally as important and all PPG documentation will be distributed to them. They may wish to only liase with the group via email